Gravity’s Rainbow

Starting on February 27, 2012, some of us are doing an online group read of Gravity’s Rainbow (39 years minus one day since its publication. Check out the posts tagged here. Read on for brief bios of the regulars posting here at Infinite Zombies for this read.

JEFF ANDERSON is a writer and copy editor; he’s also a quilter, an incessant reader, a sometime musical ambassador to Cuba, and a member of that very exclusive elite: the 150 Jeopardy! contestants who lost to Ken Jennings. He’s excited to once again join the shambling horde of Zombies for a big tough book. He lives in Los Angeles with his husband.

CHRISTINE HARKIN is an editor, writer, branding consultant, and former English professor who has avoided Gravity’s Rainbow long enough. She can’t promise to be insightful or erudite during this group blog, but she’s grateful for the opportunity to move her literary ramblings off the sidelines of (where she spent Infinite Jest and 2666) to a classy joint like Infinite Zombies.

DARYL L.L. HOUSTON signed on to blog Infinite Jest for the original installment of Infinite Summer and had so much fun doing it that he decided to stick around and blog Dracula and 2666 as well. He later kicked off a group read one of his all-time favorites, Moby Dick and went on to subject IZ followers to his frequent confusion about and frustration with Ulysses. He has worked as a pig farmer, roller coaster driver, and copy editor and now pulls levers and knobs as a computer programmer in Knoxville, Tenn.

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