How’s it Work?

If you’ve read the “about” pages, you’ll know by now that this is a blog written by various people participating in group reads of (usually) big, hard books. But those pages don’t explain how it all works. This one does.

Several people write blog posts about the books being read. Sometimes we add new writers, and sometimes writers drop off the radar. If you’re especially interested in writing for the blog, let us know at We do try to keep the list of writers for any given book fairly short, since it can be hard to read both the book and the extra material.

So, if you’re not writing about a book here, how can you participate? There are several ways:

  • Comment on what others are writing. We love feedback. This is in theory something of a discussion, after all, and not merely a pulpit.
  • Write your own blog. If it’s relevant and coherent, we’ll gladly put a link in the sidebar.
  • Spread the word. Tweet the read with hash tags or links back here. Mention the read on Facebook. And so on.
  • Track your progress using the Facebook app. This has the added benefit of spreading the word.

That’s about it. Though not everybody’s invited to write blog posts, everybody civil is invited to play along in the comments. Hope to see you there.

3 thoughts on “How’s it Work?

  1. andras ungar September 22, 2010 / 7:52 pm

    There is a brand new read-through of ulysses on the yahoo.groups site. It’s intended for people who have more or less read the book once.

    Is there anybody interested?

  2. Harry Smallenburg March 17, 2013 / 10:39 am

    I came across Infinite Zombies by accident–I’m teaching 2666 (for the third time) in a community college literature course, and I was looking up something related to the book and saw a reference to the website. 2666 always amazes me, and I continue to buy back used copies from my students at the end of the semester and give them free to friends. I’m even more pleased if the students don’t want to sell. The comments in the blogs here are really provocative and astute. I’m looking forward to browsing Infinite Zombies in the future. I’m also a big Gravity’s Rainbow fan. Gaddis never caught on with me, but I’m preparing myself mentally (and spiritually, and maybe socially) for Finnegan’s Wake.

    • Daryl L. L. Houston March 17, 2013 / 8:06 pm

      Glad you dug the site, Harry. I don’t ever plan to try Finnegan’s Wake. May do a George Saunders buffet here in a few months, though, if he strikes your fancy.

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